spirit and mind

new chapters

new chapters

There are few things I enjoy more than a good book. For nearly 40 years, they have been a near constant companion – death defying adventures, whimsical tales, nail biting mysteries, soaring love stories and books filled with wisdom beyond my own. Tales in far […]

messy family pictures included

messy family pictures included

It was going to be in front of a beautiful old barn. Reds, tans, denim…true Wisconsin style. To show how we had come to love where we live. The best family picture ever… But alas…no picture was ever taken. No photo shoot as we ran […]



Many Christmases ago my children took stock of the presents under the tree and felt there was a definite lack. What happened next, is something that has stayed with me ever since. Instead of coming to me or Mike, pleading for more toys and presents […]

married to adventure

married to adventure

I have always known that I married adventure. Mike is a natural explorer and willingly takes risks. While he looks fear in the face and jumps, I tend to favor firm ground and work to keep us safe and alive. Without Mike, we would perpetually […]

gifts and presence

gifts and presence

  Mike’s grandpa was one of the kindest people I have known. He had a warm smile and a jolly laugh that always made me feel at home. His insights were profound and Mike and I would often seek his counsel, particularly as newly marrieds. […]