new chapters

new chapters

There are few things I enjoy more than a good book. For nearly 40 years, they have been a near constant companion – death defying adventures, whimsical tales, nail biting mysteries, soaring love stories and books filled with wisdom beyond my own. Tales in far off times and places that have made me laugh out loud or collapse in a puddle of tears. Sometimes the lines between the literary world and real life will blur. Often, I will catch myself driving down the road narrating my own life story (please tell me I’m not the only one…) There must be some truth to the saying “within everyone there is a great story.” And so it seems that the days are unfolding in true literary style, a chapter at a time.

In life as in books, there are some chapters that feel repetitive and drawn out- when you just wish the author would get to the point. Early on in family life it seemed as though the “diaper chapters” would never end. Diaper bags, baby food, bottles and wipes were always at the ready. Questions loomed in my mind “Will they ever be potty trained?” or “Will they ever eat or play independently?” “Will I ever stop feeling so tired???” How I desperately wished to flip ahead and see what happened next. The wise ones gently cautioned me not to focus too far ahead, for they would grow up quickly. They were right. Before I knew it the chapter was done.

In time, new chapters came – bringing new characters, change in setting, plot twists and turns, tragedy and triumph. All the makings of a classic tale. This year has marked the closing of a significant chapter and the beginning of a new. All four kids are in school all day – at four different schools. Hannah started high school, Haley started middle school, Kate is in 4th grade and Jacob is in Kindergarten.

There is no one at my feet, no Elmo’s World playing in the background. I now get text messages and the kids watch Doctor Who and The Next Great Baker. Sippy cups with watered down apple juice have been replaced with sports bottles filled with Gatorade. Instead of playgroups, we go to Cross Country meets and gymnastics lessons. Grocery shopping is a breeze now that I don’t have four children in tow, running down the aisles begging for Cocoa Puffs. And when we do all go out, everyone can buckle and unbuckle their own seatbelt. This chapter is a good one – one I just want to savor. But read on I must – the pages keep turning like a great book I can’t put down – the story isn’t finished yet. I am certain more adventure awaits and the suspense is killing me! What will happen next? How will the kids survive the teenage years? More importantly – how will the parents survive the teenage years? Will Jacob finally get a Nerf gun? Will the kids ever pick up their clothes and make their beds? Will Mike and I ever stop feeling so tired?

And so our story continues – even when one chapter closes, another one begins. Our story is only one in many billions, but it is proving to be one of my favorite tales thus far. I’m going to cozy up right now and read some more – the mystery of “Who ate all the Oreos?” is about to be solved and I think I know who did it….

may your stories be filled with much love and grand adventure…-

-the williams

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