married to adventure

married to adventure

I have always known that I married adventure. Mike is a natural explorer and willingly takes risks. While he looks fear in the face and jumps, I tend to favor firm ground and work to keep us safe and alive. Without Mike, we would perpetually be sitting by the fire reading books. Though I have a great love for the world, I can be a reluctant traveler at times. Several months ago Mike came to me and suggested that we all become advanced scuba certified while traveling in Fiji and Samoa for my graduate studies. It will come as no surprise that my first reaction was: Are you insane? We will all die! (This is my initial reaction to many of Mike’s ideas.) Thankfully, I waited for my second thought to arrive, which reminded me that Mike had a pretty good track record. So I hesitantly agreed.

Once again Mike struck gold –our summer explorations under the sea proved to be exhilarating, glorious and beautiful. However, the first few moments of every dive were always challenging for me. The descent from the boat filled my heart with fear and trepidation. My entire body screamed out – This is not right! You are a land mammal! But down I went – following my adrenaline junkie children who take after their father. Sometimes it would become foggy and difficult to see. My heartbeat would quicken as my body tensed up – until suddenly – a whole new world would appear: bright coral gardens, wise old sea turtles, schools of shimmering fish and even a few ominous and foreboding sharks. Before I knew it, my underwater breathing had stabilized and I forgot that I had any fears to begin with. It was absolutely spellbinding – I could have spent hours watching Nemo swim in and around its gently swaying sea anemone home.

Whether it has been on snowy mountaintops, in remote fishing villages, among elephants, or during rush-hour in Beijing, Mr. Adventure has patiently encouraged me to take that first step into the deep unknown and have faith that a new and beautiful world would open up.

In just a few short months, my oldest will leave our home –perhaps one of the grandest adventures yet. I find myself once again sitting on the side of the boat, unsure about diving in. If my heart had its way, she would stay home and read books with me by the fire – forever. The reluctant, safe traveler doesn’t feel quite ready for this next voyage. It came so soon. This is new terrain and it feels foggy to me. I know that next year our family landscape will have changed. Thankfully, I married adventure. Mike keeps the family ship sailing forward – reminding me that this next adventure holds thrills and sights never before seen. Ultimately, this is the adventure we’ve been preparing for all along. Mike and the kids have already jumped in and I think it’s time I join them. A new world of wonder awaits…college life for our Hannah.

May you each embrace the perfect adventure waiting for you…with or without oxygen tanks…

much love- j

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